Kansas: Another Try For Concealed Carry On College Campuses


This upcoming legislative session, Kansas State Representative Forrest Knox (R-Altoona) announced that he would introduce legislation making it legal to practice concealed carry on state-owned college and university campuses.

He pushed for similar legislation in the 2010 session, but that effort died in the state senate.

Knox’s proposed bill, “would allow Kansans with concealed carry permits to bring their weapons into public buildings if those buildings aren't equipped with security measures such as metal detectors and guards,” the Topeka Capital-Journal reported.

“My plan is to move that forward,” Know said. “We will revise it somewhat and try to deal with situations, realistic situations, in public buildings. If you deny my right to provide for my own security, then you need to provide for my security.”

“Supporters of the [Knox] bill included the National Rifle Association and the Kansas State Rifle Association. The League of Kansas Municipalities, Kansas Association of Counties and Kansas Peace Officers association opposed the measure,” as did the Kansas Board of Regents.

Resources for Concealed Carry

New! Gun Digest Buyer's Guide to Concealed Carry Pistols

The Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry

The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery

Effective Handgun Defense, A Comprehensive Guide to Concealed Carry

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